She is the teacher of all hidden mysteries. This is love that wants to be celebrated, either through social activities or more traditional events. Keep in mind that symbolism will vary based on the deck youre using. This card can also represent the women in question. When reversed it can indicate that what you are thinking isn't true. If you arent sure, then wait. It is also possible that the feelings they harbor (maybe angriness) for you still remain, but are hidden away, if the High Priestess card is drawn I do feel they still think about you. She is illuminated through the reflection of the moon. The reversed High Priestess as feelings indicates the inability fully to experience emotions. The Emperor is more straightforward, relying on reason, logic, and active power. Sometimes, it just means that you have to make your own choices or learn a lesson yourself. Make sure that you follow what feels true for you rather than what your partner wants you to do or so. overthinking, being lost in the inner world, illusions. He is willing to share his feelings, thoughts, and experiences with you. When the High Priestess appears in your spiritual reading, its an indication that the veil between worlds is thin. The High Priestess can also mean that you need to trust yourself and your instincts. Pomegranates represent the feminine principle, while sharp palm leaves symbolize masculinity. See more. She is able to suffer with Her feelings are deep and she does not act on impulse. The High Priestess isnt typically a money card, but as always, the recommendation is to follow your intuition. Sometimes, the High Priestess appears when you arent sure what will happen. This man thinks of you as his other half. At times, he feels as if no words are needed between the two of you. Their intuition tells them you are a reliable and deep person. That isnt to say that you should give up on your relationship. Welcome to Calming Cosmos! In your career, things are happening with you realizing. As the personification of knowledge, the High Priestess tarot card depicts a mysterious and wise figure, look on my card of the flowers that frame her face showing that she is sweet but also full of mystery, as she taps into her own intuition, she can guide your decisions to gain a deeper understanding of the world around you. If you come across the High Priestess during a tarot reading, it is important to take the time to explore what this card is trying to tell you as it can definitely provide valuable guidance and surprising insights. Make sure you have positive intentions behind your actions. It is not a yes or a no for questions involving whether your ex is going to come back. The majority of people see you as someone they can trust, reveal secrets, and ask for guidance and advice on personally important matters. The High Priestess in reverse is your metaphoric life reins. In the end, "It Is What It Is" is a statement of acceptance and surrender to whatever life throws at us, allowing us to move on and continue our journey. Wherever this card pops up, you can expect an increase in intuition. Although the High Priestess usually refers to yourself more than a relationship, this card sometimes shows up in a love position. This card may be a sign to take space from this person and create emotional boundaries. This can also be a sign that someone is deceiving you. In a love reading, this card can help you understand the other party. Perhaps you are being put on a pedestal. Listen to your intuition and try to figure out what is going on. Another aspect of this card is inactivity. This person could be feeling overwhelmed which can lead to shutting themselves off from their emotions completely. The High Priestess unifies both aspects of femininity and masculinity in one. WebHigh Priestess / Moon Suggests that he is waiting to see how things progress between you before showing his hand as he still feels rather confused by his feelings for you as they are not exactly clear cut at the moment. When it comes to love related feelings, the reversed High Priestess can suggest that someone is acting cold and distant towards you. This could either be because this person is afraid of getting hurt, or simply because they dont know how to express or to move forward with their feelings. The High Priestess and The Empress are the Moon and the Venus together. You might find that your emotions often change. You simply know how the other one feels, and you fully trust them. High Priestess - Description and Symbolism, High Priestess Reversed - General Meaning. It may seem like things are standing still, but the world is always in motion. The feelings are unclear. There areso many different ways to read The High Priestess. After all, our world is solely created out of energy. The priestess in the card wears a cross a symbol of unity and balance of four essential elements. She often wants to hide her feelings from you. There could be a lack of understanding between partners. Remember that the truth always comes out. WebTen of pentacles tarot card as feelings denote the seeker is feeling loved and secure. Is there something that youknow, deep down, to be true? The High Priestess in an upright position is a good sign when it comes to readings about someones feelings about you. This card reveals that the world is not what it seems and that the beyond is all around us. The lesson here is to step back and allow things to happen naturally. She can be a hint that your intuition is right about something it is telling you. These could also be strong sexual feelings or emotions like jealousy or possessiveness. Treat everything as important and dont dismiss things that seem small or insignificant. Therefore, it is neither a yes nor no from this card for most types of questions. It tells about a person who is excited to experience new things in life, particularly, one who heads on a spiritual journey. In her lap sits a scroll with the word TORA on it. The High Priestess tells about connections on an intuitive and karmic level. Work on yourself rather than trying to change others. I often see this card appearing when things are not set in stone.For the general meaninng of the high priestess click here. You have to pay the rent and pay for food. In some sense, there is a connection, but personally I believe that we can all be dark and hidden, it means this person wants to keep quiet and not divulge what she really feels. When it comes to relationships, Ive had love readings that turned up badly with The High Priestess in the future, but Ive also had the same outcome with a relationship thats going very smoothly. The So it can mean that now is a time to just 'wait and see'. All these need one another, just as we seek our other half, our soul mate. Lastly, there may be something that youre unsure about. This relationship shows that you and your partner are compatible. The High Priestess is the guardian of the subconscious and unconscious minds. That is part of life. If you have repressed emotions, they will bubble up sooner rather than later. However, the High Priestess can also mean that there are hidden factors involved in a situation. Learn to tune into these realms through trance, meditation, or astral travel. The cards always line up with your own intuition. If your intuition tells you this is indeed the case, try to focus on subtle clues when it comes to wanting to find out how someone feels about you. The curtain behind her back depicts pomegranates and palm leaves. As always with the High Priestess, the answers are all within you. This relationship is karmic. This is juggling things, and it's most usually physical or monetary things. They feel naturally motivated to offer guidance and support to their loved ones. They can sense your mysterious aura and your spiritual depth. The High Priestess wears a blue robe. Pay attention to your dreams and the TEA & ROSEMARY LLC, Crow Symbolism: Spiritual Meaning Of The Crow. The upright High Priestess tells about soul mates and relationships that stretch beyond the limits of earthly existence, space ad time. It can be a bit difficult to interpret the High Priestess in love readings, because she is all about the subconscious mind. This is important concerning love feelings, and relationships. link to Seven Of Swords Reversed Meaning (Love, Career, Advice & More), link to Six Of Swords Reversed Meaning (Love, Career, Advice & More), The High Priestess Combinations As Feelings, The High Priestess And The Emperor As Feelings, The High Priestess And The Empress As Feelings, The High Priestess And The Fool As Feelings, The High Priestess And The King Of Pentacles As Feelings. Let us explore the meaning of the inverted High Priestess card as feelings. Dealing with breakups, ex-partners and everything that goes with it is not always easy. This person might even have psychic abilities. In the Tarot deck, the High Priestess is the second Major Arcana card. The High Priestess appears mysterious, quiet, wise, and at peace with herself. Ultimately, the High Priestess is a spiritual card. Or is yours something different? The High Priestess is one of the most powerful figures in tarot. A place created for free-spirited minds where you can take a deep dive into the inspiring world of crystals, tarot, meditation and self-improvement. The High Priestess symbolizes all things feminine, including hormones, fertility, and pregnancy. She's tired of wasting time with people who refuse to work on relationships ---, and she won't give second chances. The other does not have sophisticated intuition and is unable to tell. If youre looking for a job, you could get one in this industry in the future. All this information will surely give you a better understanding of how to interpret the High Priestess when it comes to feelings, and how this card can provide guidance when it comes to your love life. It could also indicate that this person feels very attracted to someone who is very different from them. She teaches her students how they can communicate with their ancestral spirits and predict their futures through various divination systems. This It is not only the number of the card itself, but is represented through symbolize. The Fool is an archetype of a careless wanderer, optimistic and charismatic. She represents the subconscious, intuitive thoughts. The High Priestess can offer even better insights when combined with other tarot cards. If the card was reversed, he might try to hide his true feelings, for one reason or another. If youre struggling to achieve intimacy, this simply means that youre trying too hard to get it. The number one thing to look out for is whether they are trying to help you or whether they tend to withdraw from you. Their intuition told them you are the one. The secret messages, forbidden texts, and diaries of how this person feels are not being revealed at the moment, but she finds you intriguing and patience means that she has time to work out what is inside. The crescent depicted in the card of the High Priestess (Rider-Waite deck) is Luna, the Moon. Some people would seek guidance from you. This combo is about a deep bond, both spiritual and intuitive, and physical and romantic. Maybe you still have feelings for them, or the feeling is mutual. The High Priestess reversed is an indicator that youshould question things in order to figure out the truth. You need tofeel your way through the current situation. Similarly to The Moon, in a question-specific reading (in this case, a Tarot reading with a specific question about love), I usually read the High Priestess as a sign that youre not yet meant to know what will happen in the future. The symbolism of the card you actually pulled is much more important than the general meaning! It may indicate that there are still some unresolved issues between you, or that they are keeping their feelings to themselves.

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